Inc. Magazine published an excellent list of business books.

Wait. I know what you’re thinking: “Nooooo! Not another business book list.” I agree. But one thing, and only one thing, makes this Inc. Magazine book list worth looking at: It’s really, really good.

There is something for everyone on this list, and every book has relevance for today’s learning and development leader — who, these days, also needs to be a pretty darn good entrepreneur, businessperson, negotiator, technologist, futurist, and a whole bunch of other “ists.” This is a can’t-miss list. Pick the one (or two, or three) that interests you most. You can’t lose with any of them.

Here are a few favorites from the list, which I’ve already read or really want to:

  • #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso. My wife, who is far better read than I am when it comes to business books, was turned on to this gem by a friend. I read it in two sessions and loved it. It’s part great story, part entrepreneur’s guide, part feminist call to business action, and It’s a cold, hard, truth-telling guide to modern marketing. It’s also 100% pure entertainment.

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  • 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. The currency of business is people and our ability to deal with people in a productive way. 48 Laws of Power gives tremendous insight into what’s really going on when people interact. Another book by Robert Greene, Mastery is not on this list, but I think it’s also a must-read. Most most of the common wisdom about success and those who achieve true greatness is simply wrong. Another terrific read.
  • The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White. It warms my copywriting soul to see good ol’ Strunk and White listed here. Every word of this book is useful.

Here’s the full list. 12 Must-Read Book Recommendations From Millionaire Entrepreneurs

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