We’ve been doing a bit of discussion lately at Fredrickson about what the purpose of a blog is for us. Is it the format where we want to post complete articles? Or is it a way in which we want to share our ideas, thoughts and curiosity about our profession in all of its facets? Do we want to only publish when we have complete thoughts and answers to questions, or do we want to cultivate the discussion about topics that attract our, and others in our communities, attention?
I believe the answer is yes to all of these questions. But what sometimes holds us back is that we feel it is a YES to the idea of sharing complete thoughts and articles, but we’re not convinced that we would give as resounding a YES to the other questions. I know that we want to show vibrancy in our processes and thoughts about our profession. We want to spark conversation and discussion. We want to connect with others and share our collective wisdom – and learn from your thoughts and comments.
So expect to see changes here to our blog. You’ll start to see more posts, more often, from more members of our team. And we hope to inspire you to respond – to continue the conversation, to let us know where you think we should modify our thinking, and to hear where our thoughts further inspire you.