The Learning Leadership Summit is coming up fast, on July 14th, and I can’t wait. The Summit — as the premier gathering of leadership-level learning, development, HR, and talent management […]
When I heard Learning and Performance Ecosystems would be the topic for May’s Fredrickson Roundtable for Learning Leaders, my curiosity was piqued. I’ve been reading about the concept of learning […]
Inc. Magazine published an excellent list of business books. Wait. I know what you’re thinking: “Nooooo! Not another business book list.” I agree. But one thing, and only one thing, […]
“If all of this [learning how to read critically] sounds like hard work, you’re right. Most people won’t do it. That’s what sets you apart.” Farnam Streets’ post: How to Read […]
A new year means it’s time for industry predictions. I like this guy’s take, and I like that they attached trends to the Hype Cycle. Definitely agree that #mobile is […]
“Why are we creating this course?” Most L&D professionals have probably asked themselves this before—whether you’re an instructional designer or a learning leader. The answer, of course, should be, “To […]
Recently, a few of us at Fredrickson Learning were talking about trends — who, in Learning and Development, seems to focus on them, and also when and why we do. […]
When working with our clients, we often ask about the impact of a planned change on the organization. We’ve also been observing a trend where many companies are employing change […]
There are many great TED Talks available, and here’s a nice curated list of TED Talks applicable to eLearning. And, of course, much of the information goes beyond eLearning and really […]
I found this article in the Harvard Business Review and I thought it provided some good food for thought. We can produce great training “about” a topic, but once the learner is […]